
Congenital ptosis

Sometimes babies are born with a droopy eyelid, also known as congenital ptosis. The muscle that elevates the eyelid does not develop properly. Depending on the severity of the ptosis, this may interfere with the baby’s eyesight development and will need to be corrected.

The most common procedure done to correct a congenital ptosis is called a frontalis sling. This surgery utilizes a “sling”, which may be made from materials such as silicone or the sling can be obtained from the child’s upper outer leg tissue. The sling material is implanted into the eyelid and attached to the forehead muscle to allow the child to raise the eyelid up by lifting the forehead.

Children with congenital ptosis are often cared for by both an oculoplastic surgeon to repair the ptosis and a pediatric ophthalmologist to ensure the vision continues to develop appropriately.

Surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure and discomfort is minimal.

Tear duct surgery

Many babies are born with blocked tear ducts or teat drains. The tear duct runs from the upper and lower eyelids and ends in the nose. Most of the time when a baby is born with a blockage, it is due to a small amount of tissue that doesn't fully open as the drain goes into the nose.

Symptoms of a blocked tear duct include watering/tearing, mucus discharge and occasionally a lump in the corner of the eye near the nose.

90% of the time blocked tear ducts will resolve by the age of 1 year without intervention.

Surgical intervention is only required if the tear drain becomes infected or doesn’t resolve with time.

Dermoid cyst

A dermoid cyst is a benign (non cancerous) growth that appears at birth or soon after. It is often round and mobile (easy to push between two fingers). It is made up of “normal” tissues like oil glands, hair follicles, sweat glands and occasionally bone and teeth.

Around the eyes, they most commonly occur at the upper, outer area of the brow bone.

They are not dangerous but can cause a significant inflammatory response if they rupture due to trauma, so it is best to have them removed before the child becomes too mobile.

Surgery is performed often through a hidden eyelid crease incision or a small incision near the brow. These incisions heal well and rarely are noticeable.

Surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure and discomfort is minimal.